IWILL Moderkort i Stockholm + postorder Sverige 2001-05-03 SERCO AB

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Serco Serco AB . Datorer sedan 1983 .

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Model/ART nr_s20-ChipSlot Beskrivning Extra Inkl moms
"KA266-R Nyhet (rev C)"ALI MAGiC 1socket A " KA266-R™/KA266™ Supports DDR 266/200 SDRAM Supports Socket A Type of AMD® Athlon™ & Duron™ Processors, Supports DDR 266/200 MHz FSB Ali®MAGiK 1 Chipset 3X 184-pin DDR DIMM slots Supports AGP 4X/2X Mode On-Board AMI® ATA100 IDE RAID Dual ATA 100/66 Channe" 2 691 kr
PC2100 DDR SDRAM 843 kr
"NYHET!!! KK266"VIA KT133Atestsocket A " Supports socket A AMD Athlon and Duron VIA Apollo KT133A Chipset (North Bridge Controller) VIA VT82C686B Chipset (South Bridge Controller) Supports DDR 266/200 MHz FSB Supports PC133/PC100 SDRAM Dual ATA 100/66/33 IDE Channels 4.1 Channel Hardware Sound " 2 014 kr
"NYHET!!! KK266-R"VIA KT133Asocket A "Supports socket A AMD Athlon and Duron VIA Apollo KT133A Chipset (North Bridge Controller) VIA VT82C686B Chipset (South Bridge Controller) Supports DDR 266/200 MHz FSB Supports PC133/PC100 SDRAM On board AMI® ATA/100 IDE RAIDController Dual ATA 100/66/33" 2 204 kr
"NYHET!! DVD266-R"test"VIA Apollo Pro266"socket 370 "Supports DUALIntel Pentium III Processor from 500Mhz to 1Ghz and higher. Supports Intel Celeron Processor from 300Mhz to 733Mhz and higher VIA Apollo Pro266 Chipset Supports up to 4GB PC2100/1600 DDR SDRAM Integrated AMI ATA/100 IDE RAID Supports 133/100" Prel.V19 On Board 3D Harware sound Supports AGP 4X/2X mode OBS!! I priset ingår 2 st Taisol fläktar 3 299 kr
"NYHET!! BD133"Intel 815EPsocket370 "Supports Socket 370 Intel Pentium III / Celeron Processor / VIA Cyrix III Processor Intel 815EP Chipset Supports 133/100/66 MHz Front Side Bus PCI based HRTF 3D extension positional audio chip Equipped with Six PCI, One AGP and CNR slot Supports PC133, ES" Prel.V20 1 806 kr
"NYHET!! VX133""VIA Apollo Pro133A"socket370 "Supports Socket 370 Intel Pentium III / Celeron Processors / VIA Cyrix III VIA Apollo Pro133A Chipset Support 133/100/66 MHz FSB Equipped with 3 DIMM sockets to support PC133, VCM Dual ATA 100/66 IDE Channel AGP 4X compliant Supports 4 x Universal Serial " 1 533 kr
WO2Intel 815eSocket 370 "Supports Socket 370 Intel® Coppermine Pentium® III/ CeleronTM Processors, VIA Cyrix® III Processors Supports CPU Speed From 300 MHz up to 1GHz and Higher Supports adjustable Vcore & VIO Supports CPU Frequency from 66MHz to 145MHz Supports 133/100/66 MHz" 1 274 kr
WO2-RIntel 815eSocket 370 "Supports Socket 370 for Intel Coppermine Pentium III / Celeron Processors Intel 815 Chipset Supports 133/100 Mhz FSB On-board ATA/100 IDE RAID Dual ATA 100/66/33 Channels On-board 4.1 Channel Hardware Sound Provides AGP Slot for AIMM Card /AGP 4x Mode Pro" 1 418 kr
DBD100440BXSlot 1 " Supports DUALSlot 1 CPU Selectable 66/100MHz FSB 4 x DIMM supports max 1GB PC-100 SDRAM Supports ATA 33 4 x PCI, 2 x ISA Adjustable Vcore/VIO, AGP 2X mode Optional bundle with 2 pcs of IWILL Slockets" 1 562 kr
DCA200Intel 840Slot2 Xeon " Support DUALPIII Xeon, Supports 100/133 MHz FSB Supports 4 x RIMM, 300/400 MHz RDRAM Supports AGP Pro /AGP 4 X Supports 32 bit/33 MHz PCI *4 / 64 Bit/ 66 MHz PCI *2 Supports ATA 66 I/F On board AC’97 Audio Codec Optional Intel 82559 Lan 10/ 100 Base T" 7 147 kr
DS133R-NIntel 820slot 1 " Supports DUALPIII/PII Selectable 100/133MHz FSB Bye-Bye Jumper 2x RIMM supports max 1GB 300/400 Mhz RDRAM., Supports ATA 66, AMRx1, ATX form factor , support 5 x PCI, 1 x ISA, Adjustable Vcore/VIO, AGP 4X mode, intel 82559 Lan 10/100Base T" 2 280 kr
ModelChipSlot DESCRIPTION Inkl moms
" Initio chip, PCI Ultra2 SCSI" 1 741 kr
" Advansys chip, PCI Ultra Wide SCSI " 1 128 kr
SIDE DU3160Qlogic
" 2 Channel Ultra 160 SCSI (64 bit)" 3 410 kr
" Qlogic chip, 64bit PCI transfer rate up to 266MB/sec support 30 devices" 2 670 kr
" Advansys chip, PCI Fast SCSI-2 Bulk packing" 575 kr
" Advansys chip, PCI Ultra SCSI Bulk packing" 800 kr
SIDE pro 66
" HPT366 ATA 66 chip, PCI interface" 281 kr
Raid 0/1 DUAL UATA 66 chip, PCI interface 516 kr
"Raid 0/1 DUAL UATA 100 chip, PCI interface Supports new Ultra ATA/100 drives and other existing Ultra ATA/66/33Supports maximum 4 drives, Supports ""Spare"" replacement drive (using 3 drives) Supports ""Span"" function - to combine the capacity of 2-4 differ" 984 kr 788 kr
e-Link 1394
Firewire PCI supports 4 1394 ports 594 kr
Slocket II
" Convert PPGA Celeron to be used on Slot1 Platform Supports FC-PGA processor (128K,256K Coppermine) and Cyrix Socket370 processor Supports 66MHz,100MHz,133MHz speed Supports DUALPPGA Processor 13 sets of Vcore voltage selections from 1.3 to 3.5V" 281 kr
UltraBoard IWILL BBS Amdmb Forum Fullon3d.com
    "...one of the top performing Apollo Pro 266 chipset boards...the DVD266 brings Double Data Rate memory to the SMP world. With its increased performance, features, and overclocking options it is looking to surely be a hit in the marketplace -- Editor's Choice" --
    "It's here! The Iwill DVD266-R DUALPIII Motherboard is finally here! The DVD266-R DDR based on the VIA® ApolloTM Pro266 chipset has been the most anticipated DUALCPU motherboard since the ABIT VP6. With such features as integrated 4.1 sound, maximum of 4gb PC1600/2100 DDR SDRAM, Microstepping Technology, and ATA/100 IDE RAID, it's one of the most unique and well rounded motherboards we have ever tested."

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    Serco AB startsida Serco ♻️